
Curtin university

Chemical engineering uses chemistry, physics and mathematics to convert raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms. A great variety of process industries serve the needs of society. Among the more familiar are petroleum refining, gas processing, petrochemical and polymer production, fertiliser manufacture, cement and lime production, minerals and metals extraction and refining, paper and board manufacture, sugar refining, food processing, and production of industrial and fine chemicals. Students need to explore the development, design and operation of processes for the extraction, conversion and recovery of materials. Throughout your studies, you’ll specialise in biosystems engineering, chemical engineering or oil and gas.Extractive metallurgists are involved in plant design, development, operations and control, management and research. This course will provide students with sound training in minerals processing, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy. Students will also cover environmental considerations and mine finance and management.Studying for two semesters in Kalgoorlie will give you first-hand experience and contact with the minerals industry and its personnel which will provide students with a level of knowledge and awareness of the industry which is unavailable elsewhere. You will learn from highly qualified and experienced staff, and also industry experts who visit to lecture on specialist topics. To ensure a well-rounded and fully hands-on education will undertake field trips and at least 12 weeks of professional experience prior to graduation.
At least three of the following four: Mathematics 3C/3D, Mathematics: Specialist 3C/3D, Physics 3A/3B and Chemistry 3A/3B.At least English 2A/2B or English as an Additional Language/Dialect 2A/2B.Engineering Studies 3A/3B.
In this course the major studies include the study of chemistry, physics and mathematics to convert raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms. Throughout studies, Students need to specialise in either biosystems engineering, chemical engineering or oil and gas.The chemistry component develops knowledge in chemistry and a range of skills necessary for a career in a modern analytical or industrial laboratory. In this course the studies also includes a sound foundation in both theoretical and practical aspects of chemistry and undertake units in computer programming, mathematics and statistics along with a continuous study of analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis.
To be eligible to this course students normally need to have graduated from high school with the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), or an equivalent qualification, and gained an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) that satisfies Curtin's entry requirements. Your year 12 exam result remains valid indefinitely. Scores dating back to 1992 (including the TEA out of 400 and the TES out of 510) can be converted to the current ranking, the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), with the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre ATAR calculator.The other eligibilty criteria includes:- 1) Successful completion of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). 2)  Successful completion of the Alternative Test for Adult Admission (prior to STAT). 3)  Successful completion of the Mature age Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE). 4)   General Certification of Education (advanced levels). 5)  TAFE or Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications. 6) Current Division 1 General or Mental Health Nursing Registration with a State Nursing Board in Australia. 7) Successful completion of the first year of a bachelor degree course at another Australian university. 8) Successful completion of two Curtin full degree level units via extension study and English competence. 9) Successful completion of two degree level units via Open Universities Australia (OUA) and English competence. 10)Successful completion of two degree level units at an Australian university and English competence.
Upon graduation and after four years of approved experience, you will be eligible to become a Corporate Member of Engineers Australia and the Institution of Chemical Engineers.After graduation and 12 weeks of appropriate and recorded work experience, you will also be eligible for membership of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
This course can help you become a:Metallurgist,Chemical Engineer,Metallurgical Technician,Chemical Engineer,Metallurgist.
5 years full time