
Curtin university

This double degree provides an excellent blend of civil and construction engineering fundamentals combined with the practical skills essential to begin effective professional practice immediately on graduation. In the first two years of this course you will develop the basic scientific, mathematical and practical skills necessary for later use in civil engineering design and construction. Your third year will include applied engineering subjects in structural analysis and design, materials, geotechnical engineering, construction engineering, hydraulics and professional practice. In your final year you will explore subjects related to construction management for large civil engineering projects including construction control, industrial relations, contract law, cost estimation and finance. You’ll also undertake further study in a range of specialist options, such as environmental engineering, transportation, public health engineering and advanced structural design. Prior to graduation, you will complete at least 12 weeks of engineering work experience during your vacations.The mining component develops you as an engineer, who looks after the planning, design and operation of a mine. This double degree will provide you with a comprehensive knowledge in a broad range of science and technology areas, including geology, electrical, civil and mechanical engineering, surveying, computing and environmental science. You will pay specific attention to aspects concerned with conservation of the environment, health and safety, ventilation, pollution and management of both people and resources. During your course you will complete a Senior First Aid Certificate and undertake fieldtrips to gain industrial experience to ensure you are job-ready upon graduation.
At least three of the following courses: Mathematics 3C/3D, Mathematics: Specialist 3C/3D, Physics 3A/3B and Chemistry 3A/3B.At least English 2A/2B, Literature 2A/2B or English as an Additional Language/Dialect 2A/2B.
In this course the major studies include excellent blend of civil and construction engineering fundamentals combined with the practical skills essential to begin effective professional practice immediately on graduation. In this course you will develop the basic scientific, mathematical and practical skills necessary for later use in civil engineering design and construction as well the study also includes applied engineering subjects in structural analysis and design, materials, geotechnical engineering, construction engineering, hydraulics and professional practice.
The eligibility criteria to study a bachelor degree at Curtin, you normally need to have graduated from high school with the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), or an equivalent qualification, and gained an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) that satisfies Curtin's entry requirements. Your year 12 exam result remains valid indefinitely. Scores dating back to 1992 (including the TEA out of 400 and the TES out of 510) can be converted to the current ranking, the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), with the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre ATAR calculator.The other eligibilty criteria includes:- 1) Successful completion of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). 2)  Successful completion of the Alternative Test for Adult Admission (prior to STAT). 3)  Successful completion of the Mature age Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE). 4)   General Certification of Education (advanced levels). 5)  TAFE or Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications. 6) Current Division 1 General or Mental Health Nursing Registration with a State Nursing Board in Australia. 7) Successful completion of the first year of a bachelor degree course at another Australian university. 8) Successful completion of two Curtin full degree level units via extension study and English competence. 9) Successful completion of two degree level units via Open Universities Australia (OUA) and English competence. 10)Successful completion of two degree level units at an Australian university and English competence.
This course can help you become a:Civil Engineer, Mining Engineer, Industrial Engineer, Civil and Structural Engineering Associate, Building Contractor, Civil Engineer, Geologist, Environmental Scientist.
5 years full time