
Curtin university

Professional engineers are employed in both the public and private sectors in many fields including management, design, technical sales, marketing and education.Engineering graduates find employment in industry, research and development in major private companies, government departments, regional and local councils, consultancies, producer boards, schools, universities and polytechnics. They work as consultants, project and maintenance managers, designers, marketers and teachers. The international demand for Engineering graduates is huge, with many graduates choosing to work overseas after graduating.
Required: Good knowledge of mathematics (HSC Mathematics band 4, or international equivalent),Recommended: HSC Physics or Chemistry, Engineering Studies, Senior Science, Information Processes and Technology and/or HSC Software Design and Development; or i
Study Engineering with Commerce will focus on specific commercial aspects of engineering such as: marketing, human resources, international business, economics, commercial law and finance as you gain the skills to work as an engineer.
The best preparation for studying Engineering is to take Year 13 mathematics with calculus, physics and chemistry.
Graduates fulfil the stage one competencies stipulated by Engineers Australia (EAust) as the pathway to chartered-engineer status (CPEng).This program is provisionally accredited by Engineers Australia and will be considered by Engineers Australia for full accreditation as soon as the first cohort of graduates emerges. Programs accredited by Engineers Australia are recognised internationally by those countries under the Washington Accord.
The graduate can get opportunity to work in electronics design and manufacturing ,engineering research and development , project and technology management , sales and service of wireless equipment ,software design and development .
5 years full time