
Curtin university

The Engineering/Commerce double degree is an extended, optional program for engineering students. It is designed to further develop your business skills, giving you an added level of experience to take into the first stage of your engineering career after you graduate. As with any of our engineering degrees, you will graduate as an Engineers Australia accredited professional in your chosen engineering stream.This double degree will develop your business knowledge and practical commerce skills to give you an advantage for a diverse range of careers. You will study six common core units (accounting, economics, information systems, business law, management and marketing) to gain an introduction to the various aspects of business before starting your business major.You'll develop communication skills and key professional skills identified by employer groups. One of the most unique elements of this course is the Business Capstone unit in your final year.There are four different commerce majors available to study. (Note: not all are available in all the engineering streams.) Finance:- This major will give you a broad understanding of the structure and operations of financial markets in Australia and the theory and techniques underlying financial management. This includes investment evaluation, decisions on how to fund activities and the roles played by financial markets and instruments. You will learn specialised analytical skills. You will study a variety of finance, economics, business and mathematics-based units. Management:- The management major provides you with a foundation of knowledge, insights and abilities required of managers in a wide range of sectors, industries and functions. You will learn skills in management, problem solving, planning, organising and strategic management. Units of study will cover management topics from different perspectives such as strategy, ethics, change, entrepreneurship. Economics:- This major will give you an understanding of the big picture of how companies, governments and households work. You will gain a sound understanding of how the choices made by government, producers and consumers impact on economic growth, unemployment, inflation and wealth. You will also acquire analytical skills which are highly valued in the business world.
At least three of the following four: Mathematics 3C/3D, Mathematics: Specialist 3C/3D, Physics 3A/3B and Chemistry 3A/3B.At least English 2A/2B, Literature 2A/2B or English as an Additional Language/Dialect 2A/2B.Engineering Studies 3A/3B.
In this course the major studies include study of six common core units (accounting, economics, information systems, business law, management and marketing) to gain an introduction to the various aspects of business before starting your business major. In this study also includes development of communication skills and key professional skills identified by employer groups. One of the most unique elements of this course is the Business Capstone unit in your final year. There are four different commerce majors available to study. (Note: not all are available in all the engineering streams.) Finance:- This major will give you a broad understanding of the structure and operations of financial markets in Australia and the theory and techniques underlying financial management. Management:- The management major provides you with a foundation of knowledge, insights and abilities required of managers in a wide range of sectors, industries and functions. Units of study will cover management topics from different perspectives such as strategy, ethics, change, entrepreneurship. Economics:- This major will give you an understanding of the big picture of how companies, governments and households work.
The eligibility criteria to study a bachelor degree at Curtin, you normally need to have graduated from high school with the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), or an equivalent qualification, and gained an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) that satisfies Curtin's entry requirements. Your year 12 exam result remains valid indefinitely. Scores dating back to 1992 (including the TEA out of 400 and the TES out of 510) can be converted to the current ranking, the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), with the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre ATAR calculator.The other eligibilty criteria includes:- 1) Successful completion of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). 2)  Successful completion of the Alternative Test for Adult Admission (prior to STAT). 3)  Successful completion of the Mature age Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE). 4)   General Certification of Education (advanced levels). 5)  TAFE or Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications. 6) Current Division 1 General or Mental Health Nursing Registration with a State Nursing Board in Australia. 7) Successful completion of the first year of a bachelor degree course at another Australian university. 8) Successful completion of two Curtin full degree level units via extension study and English competence. 9) Successful completion of two degree level units via Open Universities Australia (OUA) and English competence. 10)Successful completion of two degree level units at an Australian university and English competence.
Graduates fulfil the stage one competencies stipulated by Engineers Australia (EAust) as the pathway to chartered-engineer status (CPEng).Upon completion of the Finance major, you may seek membership of professional bodies such as theFinancial Services Institute of Australasia. If you complete the Management major, you may receive recognition from the Australian Institute of Management. Graduating with the Economics major will make you eligible for associate professional membership of theEconomic Society of Australia (W.A. Branch).The Accounting major meets the educational requirements for membership of CPA Australia, and if you complete two extra units (Taxation 231 and Accounting (Auditing) 300) you will also be eligible for membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
When the job market is competitive, a double degree with Engineering and Commerce can give you an extra edge over other candidates. You should be able to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the business environment.
5.5 years full time