
Curtin university

This double degree is designed to provide you with professional qualifications in both law and commerce. The Bachelor of Laws degree allows you to practise as a lawyer. The Bachelor of Commerce degree provides an excellent background in commerce and you can major in either Accounting, Taxation or Economics and will develop your business knowledge and practical commerce skills, and will provide a business industry focus to your career.
At least English 2A/2B, Literature 2A/2B or English as an Additional Language/Dialect 2A/2B.Literature 2A/2B.
The Bachelor of Commerce, together with other specified membership requirements, satisfies the accreditation requirements of Australian professional associations. Australian professional bodies have links with equivalent bodies throughout the world, so your credentials are portable and recognised internationally.The Faculty of Business and Economics does not recommend one professional body over another. We encourage you to research prospective employers, explore your career options and compare your preferences with the stated aims of the professional bodies.Students are encouraged to combine the Bachelor of Commerce with other degrees to form double degrees and to combine the Bachelor of Commerce with Laws for a combined degree. Double degrees give you a wonderful opportunity to study a range of discipline areas.
Eligibility for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws is based upon the following minimum requirement:Assumed Knowledge: English (Advanced),Applications from Australians and holders of permanent resident visas must be made via the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).
Graduates from the Bachelor of Laws are eligible to apply to the Legal Profession Admission Board for admission to legal practice in NSW after undertaking prescribed practical legal training. The Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Accounting) is accredited with CPA Australia subject to completion of specified electives.
The Law degree provides students with professional legal skills including the ability to analyse legal material and understand fundamental legal principles; an understanding of the relationship between law and society; the skills to analyse and solve non-legal problems and specialised legal study. Depending on the Business and Commerce key program selected, employment possibilities are available in areas including accounting, taxation, banking and finance, industrial relations, management, government and politics.
Four years plus one trimester full-time