
Curtin university

Psychologists explore human behaviour with a focus on perception, cognition, emotion, personality, behaviour, and interpersonal relationships. Human resource management is a dynamic and evolving area related to the management of people within organisations.This double degree program combines the Bachelor of Psychology with a Bachelor of Commerce (Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations). Together they provide you with the theoretical and practical knowledge and research skills required for a career in psychology and human resource management, and activities related to employment relations.The combined program is internationally recognised, and accredited through the Australian Human Resources Institute.You will receive an introduction to all major areas of knowledge and applications in psychology, as well as written and oral communication skills in health sciences.It has a highly practical component allowing you to apply your psychological knowledge to professional practice units and gain experience in:interviewing,conducting and reporting on research exercises.Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations are taken as a double major within the Bachelor of Commerce. You will learn foundation knowledge, and insight into the abilities required of managers in a wide range of sectors, industries and functions. You can explore: strategy and planning, attraction and retention, learning and development.You can also develop the knowledge and personal skills and techniques required to work in a global business arena.
At least English 2A/2B, Literature 2A/2B or English as an Additional Language/Dialect 2A/2B.At least Mathematics 2C/2D.
In this course the major studies include human behaviour with a focus on perception, cognition, emotion, personality, behaviour, and interpersonal relationships. In this course the theoretical and practical knowledge and research skills required for a career in psychology and human resource management are also studied. In this course the major studies also includes areas of knowledge and applications in psychology, as well as written and oral communication skills in health sciences.The studies also includes strategy and planning, attraction and retention, learning and development.
The eligibility criteria to study a bachelor degree at Curtin, you normally need to have graduated from high school with the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), or an equivalent qualification, and gained an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) that satisfies Curtin's entry requirements. Your year 12 exam result remains valid indefinitely. Scores dating back to 1992 (including the TEA out of 400 and the TES out of 510) can be converted to the current ranking, the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), with the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre ATAR calculator.The other eligibilty criteria includes:- 1) Successful completion of the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). 2)  Successful completion of the Alternative Test for Adult Admission (prior to STAT). 3)  Successful completion of the Mature age Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE). 4)   General Certification of Education (advanced levels). 5)  TAFE or Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications. 6) Current Division 1 General or Mental Health Nursing Registration with a State Nursing Board in Australia. 7) Successful completion of the first year of a bachelor degree course at another Australian university. 8) Successful completion of two Curtin full degree level units via extension study and English competence. 9) Successful completion of two degree level units via Open Universities Australia (OUA) and English competence. 10)Successful completion of two degree level units at an Australian university and English competence.
Graduates are eligible to apply for associate membership of the Australian Psychological Society and provisional registration. In Western Australia, two years supervised psychological practice after fourth year or completion of a two-year master program is required for full registration as a psychologist. For full membership of the APS, a master degree is required.When taken as part of the human resource management and industrial relations major, this course is internationally recognised, and accredited in Australia through the Australian Human Resources Institute.
This course can help you become a:Human Resources Officer, Industrial Relations Officer, Trade Union Official, Training Officer, Recruitment Consultant, Psychologist, Change Management Specialist. Curtin psychology graduates are highly regarded for the depth of their theoretical and practical knowledge and research skills.
5 years full time