Biotechnology is an applied, multi-disciplinary science which focuses on developing biologically-based products or processes. Biotechnology applies the techniques and scientific principles of microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology and chemical engineering to industry, medicine, agriculture and to the environment. As such, it utilises genetic engineering, fermentation and chemical separation technologies to develop new biological processes of commercial importance.Biotechnological processes include beer, wine and cheese making, the utilisation of bacteria and algae to produce drugs, hormones, antibiotics and enzymes, the production of diagnostic medical kits and antibodies, the generation of energy through the biodegradation of waste materials, the use of micro-organisms to clean up oil spills or to extract minerals from ores, and the use of genetic engineering to increase agricultural productivity of both plants and animals. Though biotechnology often uses the tools of molecular biology such as genetic engineering, it is unique in that it focuses on the generation of commercial products of benefit to medicine, agriculture and industry.