
Murdoch University

This course offers the opportunity to tap directly into a teaching staff of professionals renowned for their race relations work, particularly in progressing change for Western Australia's own indigenous and migrant communities. Students will also develop a strong foundation and understanding of the social and institutional frameworks affecting communities, relating to: social, gender and racial inequality, unemployment, health and welfare, social deviance, and, the Law.If student is interested to turn passion into pragmatism and want to be sought after for your knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues in community development then this course is suitable .Our community development course will also prepare student for a diverse range of exciting career opportunities in areas including:- working with youth, helping people get off the streets, working with minority groups, helping struggling families, or even creating partnerships between communities groups and governments.
Good communication skills.
Strong foundation and understanding of the social and institutional frameworks affecting communities, relating to: social, gender and racial inequality, unemployment, health and welfare, social deviance, and Law is studied as major concept.
The students after pursuing this degree gets professional qualification to work in Community Development, Youth Work, Community Work and related fields, endorsed by the Standards Council of Australia.
Community Development projects have been established by community service and welfare groups, churches, Aboriginal communities, local governments, people committed to sustainable development, artists, women's organizations and self-help groups, among many others. As a Community Development graduate you will have the skills to pursue a role in a these types of organizations.Other potential employers include the Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Department of Community Services, Universities, and Schools.
$20,500 (annual tuition fee for 2013 in AUD - 24 pts)
3 years full-time study