
Murdoch University

This course explores the challenges facing international development and prepares students for a role in leading global change. Introduction to international aid begins by learning about community level development programs, poverty reduction, sustainability , and the role our Asia-Pacific region plays in the world. Students will also learn about working in cross-cultural settings and project management with the option of completing a placement overseas. This course is practically orientated so students will be in demand with employers in both government and non-government organizations. As a graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in International Aid and Development students will possess the skills and experience to be able to begin making a difference. Students can combine degree with studies in politics, sustainable development, environmental science, education, Asian studies or Indigenous studies to further enhance career options.
General knowledge and major knowledge of history.
Major studies focus on community level development programs, poverty reduction, sustainability, politics, sustainable development, environmental science, education, Asian studies or Indigenous studies.
On completion of this course, Students become eligible for Australian Screen Production Education and Research Association.
International Aid and Development sector is of increasing importance globally. After completing graduation from Murdoch university,Employment outlook of student becomes promising. With a combination of practical units across a variety of disciplines, student can tailor degree to a wide range of exciting careers. Depending on skill combinations or specializations student have, Murdoch degree may lead student towards a career in a number of areas. The following are some professions to consider:-- International Program Manager, Disaster and Risk Management Coordinator, International Development Consultant.
$20,000 (annual tuition fee for 2013 in AUD - 24 pts)
3 years full-time study