
Murdoch University

If student is already working as a qualified teacher and is interested to add math’s to teaching skill set, Then this course will enhance qualifications of student , with a focus on teaching middle and lower secondary years.
Good knowledge of mathematics.
In this course major studies include development of basic skills related to mathematicsal concepts.
Applicants can apply for this course if he/she is having a bachelor's degree or higher or equivalent training. If applicants don't have formal teaching qualifications but have two years or more of relevant full-time teaching experience, then also applicants can still apply - but please note that this course is not the same as an initial teaching course.
After completion of this course the students will meet the minimum requirements of eligibility for accreditation to teach mathematics as a second discipline in a NSW secondary school.
Students who pursue Graduate Certificate in Mathematics Teaching degree will have a variety of career options open to them upon graduation. Besides the obvious career choice of teaching in public or private school, students who successfully complete this course can also go on to careers in consulting, software design, or even textbook editing. The following careers are possibilities for graduates . Secondary Teacher:- Math teachers are needed throughout the nation's classrooms. Educational Consultant:- School districts often hire educational professionals to train teachers in new technology and teaching methods. Educational Programmer:- Professionals with a background in mathematics education are often needed on development teams for major software companies. Students who have completed their mathematics education have great success at finding well-paying and fulfilling careers.