
Murdoch University

This course is intense and hard works, however our teaching staff, all practicing applied psychologists, are incredibly passionate individuals who will guide and support throughout studies with Murdoch. This program consists of seminars, supervised practical work and applied research and will take students to new levels of expertise in organizational psychology aimed at setting on the path to become an expert in chosen field. We will help to achieve this by developing practical skills through our established Organizational Psychology Consulting Service. Students will also benefit from our connections with a number of Commonwealth and State Public Service Departments including the Department for Community Development, Justice, Employment, Health, Safety and Welfare, Department of Education and numerous public and private sector services.
Basic knowledge of biology and analytical skills.
Major studies focuses on systematic, problem-solving approach to psychological learning through a combination of academic instruction, practical work and research.
To be eligible to this course , Applicants should hold a four-year degree in Psychology with the equivalent of a 2A honors degree in Psychology. Applicants who hold the equivalent of the relevant Master of Applied Psychology are needed to complete the balance of units in the DPsych. A maximum of 36 points of credit may be granted to those applicants who have completed equivalent coursework. The degree may be undertaken on a part-time basis but requires attendance of on-campus seminars and, for parts of the course, full-day attendance on campus or at a practicum site.Students who complete the first year of the relevant Master of Applied Psychology and who have average grades of Distinction in their core first year units may also apply for transfer to the DPsych. Applicants for the DPsych are required to submit a synopsis of their intended research and the name of a supervisor on the staff of the University as part of their application. Applicants will be required to present their research plans to a panel of Psychology staff prior to admission. Students permitted to transfer from the Master of Applied Psychology will be exempt from the units common to both degrees
This course is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council and approved by the associated Colleges of the Australian Psychological Society, Our Doctorate program will help students to make contribution to the world of psychology.
Students will find employment in a wide range of areas such as human resource management and personnel, management consulting, psychological assessment, selection and training, vocational counseling and life or workplace coaching. Students may also seek to upgrade qualifications to a higher degree by research or Professional Doctorate in Organizational Psychology in order to follow a more research-related career path.
$27,250 (annual tuition fee for 2013 in AUD - 24 pts)
3 years full-time study