
University of Tasmania

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Computing, offers students a broad foundation in a range of humanities and social sciences, and creative arts areas of study that is combined with another area of specialization in computing.
General knowledge of Arts and importance of Computing.
The major studies in this course includes development of skills related to Aboriginal Studies, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Greek, Art Theory, Asian Religions and Comparative Philosophy, Asian Studies, Behavioural Studies, Chinese, Criminology, English, European Studies, French, Gender Studies, Geography and Environmental Studies, German, History, Indonesian, International Relations, Japanese, Journalism Media and Communications, Latin, Music History, Music Skills, Music Technology, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Policy and Sociology.
The applicants are expected to meet the normal requirements set by the University for entry to degree courses. No specific course or subject prerequisites apply.
Articulation to or from the course only if the students have completed the TAFE Diploma of Information Technology they may be granted up to four units advanced standing in the Bachelor of Computing.The students are eligible after combining of both the degrees for membership (full) of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Graduates may gain employment in fields such as information technology, government, business research and development.
4 years full-time, part-time available