
ACN, delivering LaTrobe University programs

The Bachelor of Business will keep students up to date with a rapidly changing world. Throughout the course, we keep students in touch with the big issues affecting modern businesses such as globalisation, trade barriers, sustainability and the environment. Students will complete a well-rounded degree giving them a strong foundation in business knowledge. Students gain the skills to work in varied businesses in the private or public sectors.
Good Communication and Business Skills.
Gaining of knowledge related to Accounting for Management Decisions, Introduction to Business Law, Foundations of Management, Marketing: Defined, Planned and Delivered, Critical Thinking in Statistics, Finance, Macroeconomics, Management Information Systems, Microeconomics, Sustainability in Global Business are the concepts included as major parts in this course.
Students of this course will have career in Accounting, Auditing, Banking, Business Consultant, Economic analysis, Events management, Financial planning, Human Resources Management, Importing/exporting, International relations, Investment banking, Management consulting, Marketing, Policy development, Public relations, Stockbroking.