
University of Tasmania

The Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science gives a broad foundation in a range of humanities and social sciences, and creative arts areas of study that is combined with another area of specialization in science, the areas of study include Aboriginal Studies, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Greek, Art Theory, Asian Religions and Comparative Philosophy, Asian Studies, Behavioural Studies, Chinese, Criminology, English, European Studies, French, Gender Studies, Geography and Environmental Studies, German, History, Indonesian, International Relations, Japanese, Journalism Media and Communications, Latin, Music History, Music Skills, Music Technology, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Policy and Sociology. Applied Mathematics, Aquatic Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computing, General Mathematics, Geography and Environmental Studies, Geology, Microbiology, Physics, Plant Science, Psychology, Pure Mathematics, Software Development, Statistics and Operations Research, and Zoology.
General knowledge about Arst and Science.
Major studies include development of broad foundation in a range of humanities and social sciences, and creative arts areas of study that is combined with another area of specialization in science, the areas of study include Aboriginal Studies, Ancient Civilizations, Ancient Greek, Art Theory, Asian Religions and Comparative Philosophy, Asian Studies, Behavioural Studies, Chinese, Criminology, English, European Studies, French, Gender Studies, Geography and Environmental Studies, German, History, Indonesian, International Relations, Japanese, Journalism Media and Communications, Latin, Music History, Music Skills, Music Technology, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Public Policy and Sociology.
Normal minimum university entrance requirements apply. Students are encouraged to study some of the following subjects: MT843 Mathematics Stage 3,MT841 Mathematics Stage 2, MT730 Mathematics Applied, IF862 Computer Science; CH856 Chemistry, GL876 Geology, GG833 Geography, EV846 Environmental Science, PH866 Physics, BY826 Biology, SC786 Applied Science-Physical Sciences. Subject (unit) prerequisites also apply. Part-time study is not available to international students. International students are not eligible to study at the Cradle Coast campus.
Articulation to or from the course may be given credit to units included in the schedules of the BA and BSc degrees will be awarded to students who transfer to the combined degree. Reference to professional recognition is granted to the entry under the BA and BSc degrees.
Graduates may gain employment in fields such as aquaculture science journalist teaching, biochemistry, government, environment and climate change, criminology and corrections, microbiology/immunology, research and development, psychology, forestry and mining, zoology.
4 years full-time, part-time available