
University of Western Australia

Linguistics is concerned with what all languages have in common as well as how individual languages differ from one another. The methods and concepts of linguistics are not biased towards any particular language or languages. In this course students will study how languages are structured, how they are learned and used, and how languages change through time. This major includes both fascinating theoretical research and practical field-orientated projects. Students will also have the opportunity to work on a variety of linguistic topics including grammatical descriptions and dictionaries of Australian Aboriginal languages, analysis of Australian English, Romance languages, the study of meaning in language and the relation between language and society.
In this course the major studies include to apply knowledge of language in a diverse range of contexts, including translation, journalism and media, language policy and planning, website design and socio-educational development work.  Students will also learn to analyze texts that encounter everyday and professional lives and will be able to apply this knowledge for a range of purposes.
After pursuing this degree, Students get opportunity to lay the foundation for further study at honours and postgraduate level.
A major in Linguistics provides a foundation for any career that involves language or languages, human social organization and culture, or the human mind. In addition to research careers, graduates go on to careers in language teaching, speech therapy, journalism and broadcasting, translation and interpreting, Indigenous education and support work, and information technology, among others. This course could lead to become a: Academic, Anthropologist, Audiologist, Business and Systems Analyst, Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher, Education Advisers and Reviewers, Education Manager, Foreign Affairs and Trade Officer, Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professional, Intelligence Analyst, Interpreter, Journalist, Linguist, Media Presenter, Media Producer, Policy Analyst, Primary School Teacher, Program or Project Manager, Research and Development Manager, Secondary School Teacher, Social Worker, Software and Applications Programmer, Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Training and Development Professional, Translator, University Lecturer, Workplace Relations Adviser.
$24866, per year.
3 years (BA), 4 years (BPhil(Hons))