
University of Western Australia

A major in Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS) teaches a variety of perspectives including history, literary studies, Latin, visual arts, philosophy and archaeology. The social and cultural structures and practices of contemporary Australia are still heavily influenced by the mindsets that European settlers and immigrants brought with them. Studying Medieval and Early Modern Studies will enable students to explore this background to our present through a wide and diverse range of topics, from a uniquely Australian perspective.
Major kowledge of history.
Major studies include gaining of in depth knowledge related to history, literary studies, Latin, visual arts, philosophy and archaeology.
Graduates majoring in MEMS learn to conduct informed analyses within a wide range of methodologies. This means that they are well prepared for employment in many areas including journalism, the media, cultural and heritage institutions, the diplomatic corps, publishing, education, business and education. This course lead to become a: Academic, Archivist, Arts Administrator or Manager, Arts Professional, Copywriter, Curator - Gallery or Museum, Foreign Affairs and Trade Officer, Historian, Journalist, Media Producer, Program or Project Manager, Research and Development Manager, University Lecturer, Visual Arts Professional.
$24866, per year.
3 years (BA), 4 years (BPhil(Hons))