
Curtin College at Curtin University

Qualified accountants help individuals and businesses keep their finances on track. Accountants analyse, report and give advice on the financial dealings of organisations and individuals. They also advise on record-keeping and legal compliance requirements, prepare financial statements, conduct audits and analyse income and expenditure. It is valuable to organisations in many industries, and in many countries. Students can develop expertise in areas such as auditing, taxation, insolvency, compliance, or accounting systems and technology. Students can examine the development and communication of information relating to the financial performance of organisations, learn to prepare reports and give advice on an organisation's record-keeping and compliance requirements.
Good knowledge of Accounts.
Major study in this course includes gaining of knowledge related to accounting principles, Auditing, Taxation, Relevant areas of business law, financial management.
Students are eligible to this course if they have score 5 in GCE/STPM/HKALE (A-levels - best of three), score 24 in IB, score 60 in Ontario Gr 12 (best of 6), score 70 in TER (including TEE/SACE/HSC/VCE), score 53 in WAUFP (CPS), 65% in India/Pakistan, score 6 in Sri Lanka.
This course is accredited by the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA).
Students of this course will have career as Accountant, Tax agent/consultant, Auditor, Business analyst, Tax advisor, Treasurer.
Offer letter (100 credit) published fee -$13,400, Indicative year 1 fee - $26,800, Total indicative course fee - $83,200.
3 years