Mathematics is humanity’s most powerful tool for comprehending the universe and is essential for many fields of modern endeavor. It is the language of science, technology, engineering and finance and underlies the data analysis, forecasting, modeling, decision-making and problem-solving principles on which modern society heavily depends. It also underlies data analysis, forecasting, modeling, decision-making and problem-solving principles. The Mathematics and Statistics major is a broadly-based major that equips students with the mathematical tools and techniques of at least two of the three major disciplines of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. Applied Mathematics uses the theory and techniques of mathematics and statistics to understand and deal with the real world. ‘World’ can refer to the physical world (e.g. weather forecasting) or it can relate to human-created activities (e.g. financial mathematics). Mathematical Statistics is concerned with the application of statistical methods. These applications can be in a huge variety of areas, such as medicine, business, finance, science and industry. Pure Mathematics proves theorems in a wide range of topics usually motivated and illustrated by problems in physics, engineering and computer science. Topics can be roughly categorized as ‘algebra’ (discrete problems such as constructing or breaking codes) or ‘analysis’ (problems with a continuous flavor, for example studying properties or mechanical systems).