
University of Western Australia

In this course studies will teach students how microbiology can be applied in areas as diverse as medicine, brewing, food spoilage, control of environmental pollution and space science. Students will receive a thorough grounding on the scientific basis of the discipline and its applications in the real world. As a graduate, Students will be eligible for a membership of Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM), the national scientific and employment body of the profession. To complement lectures from renowned experts in their various fields, Students will have the chance to discuss, apply and expand on the theory of unit in weekly practical laboratory classes and structured tutorials. The Microbiology and Immunology course at University of Western Australia is distinguished by the embedding of the discipline's research strengths in Virology, Bacteriology and Immunology. Moreover, this embedded research is taught by the people doing the research which in turn becomes part of the communication embedding.
Basic knowledge of biology.
A major in Microbiology and Immunology covers a range of fields, from immunology, which studies how the body's immune system protects it from infectious disease, to microbial genetics and genetic engineering and the environment.
As a graduate, Students will be eligible for a membership of Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM), the national scientific and employment body of the profession.
Career opportunities for graduates exist in a wide range of areas. These include the health care industry, pharmaceutical industry, hospitals and biomedical research institutes, environmental science, the mining industry, food service, food and pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, private laboratories and the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories. Other options include further studies and employment in both research and clinical positions in public health, agricultural, veterinary and university laboratories and the CSIRO. This course leads to become a: Academic, Biotechnologist, Environmental Scientist, Food Scientist, Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professional, Journalist, Laboratory Manager, Microbiologist, Pathologist, University Lecturer.
$30980, per year.
3 years (BSc), 4 years (BPhil(Hons))