
University of Western Australia

In this course studies will provide students with a mix of core units and choice of elective units to give the knowledge, skills and understanding needed . Students will be prepared for careers in areas such as sport management and delivery, and in service delivery essential for athlete preparation and specialized fitness industries. Students will also gain the foundation needed for postgraduate training in professional service provision or research. When taken with a major in Exercise and Health, this combination leads to accreditation as an Exercise Scientist. To complement lectures will be taken by renowned experts in their various fields and students will have the chance to discuss, apply and expand on the theory of unit in weekly practical laboratory classes and structured tutorials. The School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health is well equipped to offer a unique learning experience with cutting-edge equipment and laboratories that assist students to translate research into practice.
Major knowledge of sports.
Studying the application of scientific principles and techniques with the aim of improving sporting performance. Major studies also includes development of knowledge in areas of physiology, psychology, motor control and biomechanics, nutrition , diet, sports technology, anthropometry, kinanthropometry, and performance analysis.
After completing this course, Students become eligible for accreditation with ESSA as a Sport Scientist when taken together with the Exercise and Health major.
Sports Science graduates will have the choice of three distinct career paths. After graduation students can enter the broad sport and recreation promotion, management and marketing sector. Or students can even prefer a career in athlete preparation as an Exercise Scientist. The third pathway will see students to move into graduate training in sport, recreation management, coaching, exercise rehabilitation, occupational safety and health or research. This course can lead to become a: Anatomist or Physiologist, Exercise Physiologist, Fitness Instructor, Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professional, Health Promotion Officer, Marketing Specialist, Occupational Health Professional, Primary School Teacher, Psychologist, Secondary School Teacher, Sports Administrator, University Lecturer.
$30980, per year.
3 years (BSc), 4 years (BPhil(Hons))