
University of Western Australia

The Master of Medieval and Early Modern Studies is a multidisciplinary coursework degree that explores the life, literature and thought of Europe from the fifth to the eighteen century. This course prepares students for advanced research by providing or upgrading key skills and by introducing new theoretical approaches which enhance student’s ability to work in an interdisciplinary manner. Students learn how to read manuscripts, historical records and literary works of the period as they interpret key issues and events in thought and society. Students conduct their own research projects in history, literature, philosophy and art, with expert staff guidance. The course covers such topics as paleography, diplomatic, literature and legend, pre-modern ideas of science, medicine and religion and early modern economies.
Good general knowledge.
Major studies focus on discovery of the history of castles, cathedrals, Vikings and witches. Interpret medieval manuscripts, Renaissance art and the plays of Shakespeare.
International students must have a bachelor's degree, or equivalent, in a relevant discipline (where required), completed to a sufficiently high standard.
MEMS graduates are well prepared for employment in areas such as journalism, the media, cultural and heritage institutions (e.g. museums and art galleries), the diplomatic corps, publishing, education, business and private administration, as well as in the Commonwealth and state public services. This course leads to become an Historian, Journalist, Media Producer, Policy Analyst, Policy and Planning Manager.
$24290, per year.