The primary aim of this course is to provide advanced archaeology training in the values and knowledge of a professional archaeologist. The course bridges existing skills-gaps and will take your career to the next level. The Master of Professional Archaeology is the first professional archaeology postgraduate course in Western Australia. The course includes archaeological heritage assessment and management, understanding legislation, permits and approvals, working with stakeholders, cataloguing and database management, as well as advanced survey, excavation and conservation methods. Students will develop cultural literacy and a critical understanding of professional practices and enhance their professional skills in archaeology, analysis, and contemporary heritage work. Archaeology at University of Western Australia has strong links with the professional sector, museums, government and industry and the course will be accredited by the AACAI. In the first year of study, intensive learning is facilitated by face-to-face and on-line teaching. In their second year, students will complete professional placements, develop professional project design skills and write a 16,000 word report or thesis.