This course will provide an integrated teaching and learning approach commencing with the first semester Foundations of Learning and Practice phase. This provides necessary background knowledge in biomedical sciences and introductions to clinical, professional and scholarly practice (PLACES). Foundations is followed by two semesters of the Systematic Learning and Practice phase which uses blocks of learning related to body systems in continuing to integrate the six PLACES themes. In this course studies include gaining of detailed scientific knowledge, clinical skills, research methods, leadership and teamwork, and educational theory and practice. Case-enhanced tutorials, laboratories, clinical workshops and online learning will be used as learning opportunities. The final two and a half years primarily consist of clinical immersion in various hospital and community based settings where students develop and practice their clinical and professional skills. Revision of scientific and population health will be integrated into this phase, together with further learning of all the PLACES themes. In the third year, many students will spend their year learning in a University of Western Australia Rural Clinical School. All students are expected to complete a scholarly activity in the final two years of the course which could emphasize original research, clinical audit and improvement, coursework, or service learning, in an area of student interest. Please note that no credit for previous undergraduate studies will be given towards the MD. Effective communication skills are vital outcomes for each theme and will be emphasized throughout the course. Within each theme are more specific strands of knowledge, skills and behaviors that will be integrated throughout the 4 years of the curriculum.