
University of Western Australia

This course provides students with practical experience in independent scientific experimentation and research through the completion of a research project of direct relevance to a forensic discipline. In this course students can undertake independent supervised research in a forensic discipline.
Good knowledge of biology
Major studies focus on development of practical skills related to scientific experimentation and research through the completion of a research project of direct relevance to a forensic discipline.
International students must have a bachelor's degree, or equivalent, in a relevant discipline (where required), completed to a sufficiently high standard.
On completion of this degree from University Of Western Australia ,Students get accreditation by the Forensic Science Society.
Graduates of this course will be equipped with advanced level communication, research and analytical skills, allowing them to take the next step in their career pathway and this course leads to become Forensic Scientist.
$30980, per year.
1 year.