
University of Tasmania

The course provides a clinical base and design to prepare the students to work in specialized medical and pathology laboratories that provide diagnostic services that are an essential part of the health care system. The tests performed provide valuable information that is used in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
General knowledeg about Health Science.
Gaining of knowledge and a variety of skills in professional areas such as: clinical chemistry, endocrinology, haematology ,blood transfusion science, histopathology, microbiology, human molecular biology, immunology are included as major concept of study.
The minimum University entry requirements (minimum ATAR score applies for Year 12 applicants). In addition, the following subject pre requisites apply: Chemistry TQA3 or equivalent and any one of the approved Mathematics subjects Mathematics Applied TQA3,Mathematics Methods TQA3,Mathematics Specialized TQA3 or equivalent.
The graduates from this course meet the academic requirements for direct entry into the Australian Institute of Medical Scientists.
There are various career options open to medical scientists, especially in hospital clinical and pathology laboratories, private pathology services, blood transfusion services and public health laboratories. Other areas of employment are found in universities, veterinary laboratories and diagnostic companies.