
University of Tasmania

This course specifically aims to equip the students with the knowledge, skills, competencies and awareness in preparation for careers in biomedical research, biotechnology and related areas. . It is also one of the possible alternative pathways to study Medicine at UTas.The social and ethical implications of these studies is emphasized in this course.
General knowledge about Biotechnology and Medical Research.
The major studies included included this faculty are gaining of broad knowledge of biomedical research and biotechnology,and its scientific basis, to develop skills in written and verbal communication in these areas. The graduates will have to deliver many presentations to their peers and teachers during the course,and shall make extensive use of information technology. The graduates will have to solve problems in medical sciences and biotechnology, and have an understanding of the global importance and impacts of medical research and biotechnology.
The minimum university entrance requirements plus TCE pre-tertiary Chemistry and Mathematics (MTM315109 or MTA315109). Entry to the first year of the program will be based on a minimum ITI score of 80.
The Bachelor of Biotechnology and Medical Research provides an appropriate pathway to Honours and Research Higher Degrees.
Bachelor of Biotechnology and Medical Research graduates can expect to find employment in a range of areas including the pharmaceutical, pathology and biomedical industries, biotechnology companies, research institutes, hospitals and universities at both State and Commonwealth levels. They will also be well prepared for postgraduate study in a range of Biomedical Research areas.
3 years