
University of Tasmania

Bachelor of Computing students may choose from one of the following majors, Computing (with a Computer Systems minor), Games Technology (with a Computing minor), Human Interface Technology (with a Computing minor).
General knowledge about Computing.
The major studies included in this course are prepared to provide the applicants a worldwide exposure to the field on Information Technology with an applied orientation towards the Computer Science.The course promotes the students to achieve better skills, knowledge and a relative discipline in the study chart as a main focus.
Possession of the University's basic admission requirements. TCE Computing or Mathematics subjects are not required.
Articulation to or from the course can be awardee if students have completed the TAFE Diploma of Information Technology they may be granted up to one year's advanced standing.Students who have completed a TAFE Certificate IV in IT are eligible to enrol in the Bachelor of Computing concurrently with the Diploma of IT to complete both in three years (part time studies also available).Students that have completed a concurrent enrolment between the four year Bachelor of Computing/TAFE Diploma of Information Technology course articulate into the Bachelor of Computing with Honours.The BComp articulates into the S4D Bachelor of Computing with Honours.Undergraduate students of the BComp are eligible for student membership of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). On completion of the degree and entry into the computing profession, graduates can apply to become full members of these bodies.
The Bachelor of Computing is a comprehensive 3-year degree course that encompasses computer science and software engineering with an applied orientation. The specific course objectives are as follows, to provide a thorough introduction to the theory and practice of computing; to produce computing professionals with the ability to apply new and emerging computing technologies to create solutions in the workplace; to provide a broad base of computing knowledge to support lifelong learning in the field of computing.Students are prepared for careers and research in the area of Information Technology (IT). Current forecasts indicate a world wide shortage of IT professionals for at least the next ten years. Computing professionals get well paid, interesting positions in almost any area - government, commerce, industry, education and research. The range of careers is wide, including: website management, system administration, client support and training, program design, development and testing, mobile computing and telecommunications, graphics, internet and web engineering, artificial intelligence and so on.
Minimum 3 yrs, Maximum 7 yrs.