
University of Tasmania

The BComp-Bsc will qualify students with computing skills and scientific knowledge to bridge the gap between technology and their chosen field of science. In addition to the objectives of the Bachelor of Computing program, the Bachelor of Science component aims to provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills in a range of basic physical, computational, mathematical, earth and life sciences; introduce students to scientific method through a range of disciplines; provide graduates with advanced knowledge in one or more of the science disciplines; meet the needs of industry, business and government agencies.
General knowledge about computing and Science.
The major studies included in this course are designed to prepare the students with opportunities to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills in a range of basic physical, computational, mathematical, earth and life sciences, hence introducing the students to scientific method through a range of disciplines, also providing the graduates with an advanced knowledge in one or more of the science disciplines, thus meeting the needs of industry, business and government agencies.
Minimum University entrance requirements. Students are encouraged to study some of the following subjects: Mathematics Specialised, Mathematics Methods,Mathematics Applied, Computer Science, Chemistry, Geography, Environmental Science, Physics, Biology, Physical Sciences.Subject (unit) prerequisites apply to the study of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
The credit can be awarded for units included in the schedules for the BComp and BSc will be awarded to students who transfer to the combined degree. Up to one year of credit for TAFE programs will be awarded for the BSc component on the same basis as for the single degree. Articulation arrangements already in place for the BComp will apply to the BComp component of the course.The BComp component provides eligibility for student membership of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Up on completion of the degree and entry into the computing profession, graduates can apply to become full members of these bodies. For the BSc component, graduates are eligible for membership of a number of professional organisations. Specific details are provided under individual discipline entries.
The BComp component provides eligibility for student membership of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). On completion of the degree and entry into the computing profession, graduates can apply to become full members of these bodies. For the BSc component, graduates are eligible for membership of a number of professional organizations.
Minimum 4 yrs, Maximum 9 yrs.