
University of Tasmania

The course aims to equip students with the skills required to become engineering technologists. The Bachelor of Engineering Technology, which is available in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, uses many of the units from the Bachelor of Engineering program, but they are focused on design aspects of the relative engineering disciplines and involve specialist units. Areas of study include Basic sciences,Engineering sciences,Management, Maths.
General knowledge about Engineering and its technology.
The major studies included in this stream are development of sound basis in Mathematics, Basic sciences , Engineering sciences and management  work in collaboration with more experienced engineering technologists, or assist professional engineers to undertake tasks which require accuracy and adherence to prescribed methods of analysis, design or computation and development of skills in analysis, synthesis, design and communication and to promote student interaction and activities which develop the key interpersonal skills required to balance academic achievements is involevd as major concept of study.
To be eligible to this course applicants should normally hold a TAFE diploma or advanced diploma in Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. The course structure is based on the student's holding a Tasmanian TAFE Advanced Diploma. Prospective students holding other TAFE qualifications should contact the School of Engineering for details.
Articulation to or from the course can be awarded after successful completion of the Bachelor of Engineering Technology, students may also elect to continue their study and articulate to the Bachelor of Engineering in the appropriate specialisation, to become professional engineers.Articulation from a TAFE advanced diploma is a specific design feature of the course, and holders of this award may be granted up to approximately two semesters advanced standing in the course.The Bachelor of Engineering Technology is accredited by Engineers Australia as providing qualification for affiliate membership of the Institution.
Engineering technologists will work in similar environments to professional engineers, with training allowing them to perform many tasks in Design, Construction, Manufacturing, Maintenance.
Minimum 3 yrs, Maximum 6 yrs