
University of Tasmania

The Bachelor of Science is a multidisciplined degree which provides students with opportunities to acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills in a range of basic physical, computational, mathematical, earth and life sciences area.
General knowledge about Science as an important study, its importance in modern life.
The major studies focus on acquiring of knowledge, attitudes and skills in a range of basic physical, computational, mathematical, earth and life sciences to introduce students to scientific method through a range of disciplines and provide graduates with advanced knowledge in one or more of the science disciplines to meet the needs of industry, business and government agencies.
Minimum University entrance requirements apply.  Students are encouraged to study some of the following TCE subjects Mathematics Specialised, Mathematics Methods, Mathematics Applied, Computer Science, Chemistry, Geography, Environmental Science, Physics, Biology, Physical Sciences.
Articulation to or from the course can be given after a successful first year may lead to the five-year combined degree with Law. Credit is possible for studies completed in some TAFE diplomas and in other tertiary studies.Graduates of the BSc are eligible for membership of a number of professional organisations. Specific details are provided under individual discipline entries. This course is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council.
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science can expect to find employment in a wide variety of positions such as Aquaculture, Biochemistry ,Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography and Environment Studies Geology ,Mathematics ,Microbiology/Immunology, Physics Plant Science, Psychology ,Zoology.
Minimum 3 yrs, Maximum 7 yrs.