
University of Tasmania

This course has a broad framework from which students select units that are targeted to their area of interest.The course presents techniques for identifying and measuring business risk and for devising strategies incorporating risk analysis into strategic planning.The course ties strategic objectives, risks, internal controls, and critical success factors to business performance measurements and achieving strategic goals.The students investigate the design and implementation of a performance measurement system based on the entity's strategic plan, identifying relevant leading indicators and appropriate industry benchmarks. A comprehensive project provides students with the experience in designing or evaluating a company’s risk management system.The areas in which the units are focused are Human Resourse Management,Marketing Management,Accounting.
Good management skills.
Major studies includes the development of the skills and knowledge of the students who have selected their areas of study like Ethical Issues in Corporate Life, Research in Business Ethics, Interpersonal Behavior in Management, Managing Workers In A Service Environment, International Management Behavior, Management of the Transnational Corporation.
To be eligible to this course student must have completed an undergraduate degree of an Australian higher education institution OR the equivalent standard in any other institution Or a person should have five (5) years' relevant work experience. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) has recently announced that it is mandatory for all graduates seeking registration with the relevant National Board to demonstrate that they have achieved an overall IELTS score.For entry into all postgraduate courses, international students must provide an IELTS test score with a minimum of or a TOEFL score with a Test of Written English score.This test must not be more than 24 months old.
This course will assist students in gaining membership in bodies such as the Australian Human Resources Institute and the Australian Marketing Institute, depending upon the sequence of units chosen.
Articulation to or from the course depending on the units taken, students who have satisfactorily completed the requirements of the Graduate Certificate in Business may proceed to the Master of Business, to the Master of Business (Specialisation), or to the Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (an existing program that articulates with the MBA). Students who have satisfactorily completed the requirements for the Graduate Certificate in Business may also be eligible for credit standing in other postgraduate programs offered by the Faculty.
Minimum 5 years, maximum 2 years