
Curtin College at Curtin University

Mining engineers plan and manage operations to exploit minerals from underground or open-pit mines, safely and efficiently. They design and direct mining operations and infrastructure including: drilling, blasting, loading and hauling, tunnel creation and maintenance, access road planning and maintenance, water and power supplies. Mining engineers may supervise other engineers, surveyors, geologists, scientists and technicians working on a mine site and may find employment in metropolitan or regional locations or in different countries.
Good knowledge of Mathematics and Physics.
Major study in this course includes gaining of knowledge related to fundamental concepts common to all areas of engineering, basic science subjects, mining science and technology, which involves the study of soil and rock mechanics, explosive and rock breakage, materials transport, mining methods, mine planning, project evaluation and the environment.
Students are eligible to this course if they have score 9 in GCE/STPM/HKALE (A-levels - best of three), score 28 in IB, score 70 in Ontario Gr 12 (best of 6), score 80 in TER (including TEE/SACE/HSC/VCE), score 59 in WAUFP (CPS), 77% in India/Pakistan, score 10 in Sri Lanka.
This course is accredited by Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG) and National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG).
Students of this course will have career as Mining Engineer, Miner, Mine manager, consulting engineer, mining company director.
Offer letter (100 credit) published fee $14,800, Indicative year 1 fee - $30,800, Total indicative course fee - $137,600.
4 years