
Macquarie University

The role of economists is to: understand complicated economic and social processes, intervene to make outcomes better, set policies that have a major effect on society. The Economics major provides an excellent education in the leading theories and concepts involved in modern economics to develop successful business economists. The focus is on the properties of supply and demand networks. Topics include altruism, banking and finance, consumer sentiment, debt, equity, environment, forecasting, free trade, Keynesian recessions, market failures, natural monopolies, optimality, public economics, rates of interest, scarcity, technological change, uncertainty, voluntary unemployment, wage differentials and zero population growth.
Basic knowledge of Mathematics.
Gaining of knowledge related to Macroeconomic Principles and Analysis, Microeconomic Principles and Analysis, Introductory Statistics, Statistical Data Analysis, Introductory Econometrics, Industrial Organization, Money and Finance, International Money and Finance, Macroeconomic Policy, Financial Econometrics, The Economics of Financial Institutions, Economic Development, Evolution of Economic Ideas, Environmental Economics, International Finance, Economic and Business Forecasting, The Japanese Economy are the concepts included as major parts in this course.
Students are eligible to this course if they have HSC General Mathematics.
Students of this course will have career in Business journalist, financial analyst, Investment analyst, Management consultant, Market analyst, Planning/policy analyst, Public administration, Researcher, Statistician, Stockbroker, and Teacher.
March, August
IELTS - overall score of 7.0 Band, TOEFL - 600/ equivalent
4 Years