
Curtin university

Geology is critical to the global economy. Geologists play a central role in the search for and the extraction of minerals, petroleum and groundwater, and environment management. Students will also knowledge related to introductory geology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, statistics and communication and computer skills. Students will also explore the fundamental skills of applied geology, such as mineral and petroleum exploration, hydrogeology, environmental geochemistry and engineering geology. Students will also develop fundamental skills with a detailed knowledge needed to understand geological processes and materials. Geophysics seeks to understand the Earth’s interior, an increasing area of importance, particularly in Australia. In this double degree, Students will also develop a thorough foundation of knowledge in areas of physics and mathematics, geology, electronic measurement, experiment and survey design and scientific computing or data processing. The geophysics component has a strong emphasis on understanding physical properties of matter, transmission and dissipation of energy. Applicants need to develop a detailed knowledge of the techniques of analyzing and imaging the Earth and explore geophysical methods such as seismic, magnetics, gravity, electrical and electromagnetic methods. This double degree prepares for a career in geology and geophysics. The integrated component of geology and geophysics prepares graduates to work around the world in oil and gas, gold and other minerals. Students will also undertake significant field experience in the operation of industry-standard equipment and computer software. Practical work in collaboration with industry and community partners will further cement learning in applied geology and geophysics.
Good knowledge of geography and earth science.
Major studies include gaining of detailed knowledge related to extraction of minerals, petroleum and groundwater, and environment management.
Up on completion of this course students have ample opportunities .This course can help students to become a: Geologist, Geophysicist, Geologist, Geological Engineer.
4 years full time