Gaining of knowledge related to Criminal Justice and Procedure, Foundations of Law, Contracts, Law, Lawyers and Society, Torts, Jurisprudence, Property Law, Equity and Trusts, Business Organizations, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Civil and Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Remedies, Reparations and Resolution in Law, Principles of Management, Curating Artistic Creativity, Financial Management for the Arts, Accounting Information for Decision-Making, Arts and Entertainment Industries, Performance and Popular Media, Drama Practice, Music Theatre, Movement Training and Performance, Dance Practice, Music Production, Introduction to Vocal Studies, Intermediate Vocal Studies, Guitar Principles, Studies in Rhythm, Arts Management Internship, Managing Creativity, Public Relations Theories, Sociology of the Arts, Performance Research, Creative Process, Movement, Performance and Digital Media, Advanced Vocal Studies, Advanced Guitar, Musical Creativities: Projects and Directions, Musical Literacy are the concepts included as major parts in this course.