
Griffith university

This advanced level program is designed to meet the growing demand for postgraduate qualifications from the early childhood education and care sectors, as well as the disciplines of health, family law, criminal justice, children's services and psychology. The qualification also provides an opportunity for registered teachers to acquire and update their expertise in a dynamic field of study and practice. This advanced level program equips graduates to work in a diverse range of services for people with disabilities and their families, and engage in high-level policy, planning and advocacy. Employment involves working on several different levels - with individuals, families, in public and private agencies and community services.
Good general knowledge.
In this course major studies include gaining of skills related to children, adolescents, adults and the elderly services. A specific emphasis is placed on working with children and adults with disabilities in human service and rehabilitation settings. Gaining of knowledge and skills to become effective, ethical, and compassionate human service professionals who engage in creative approaches to social change and advocacy to meet diverse individual and societal needs are included as major concept of study.
Accreditation will vary depending upon choice of major such as Childhood Studies is accredited by the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care, Rehabilitation Counselling is accredited by the Rehabilitation Counselling Association of Australasia and the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors.
After pursuing this degree students will be equipped to work in a diverse range of human service fields.
1.5 years full-time