
Griffith university

This program introduces students to the scientific research culture early in their degree program, challenging their abilities to produce high quality advanced work. Students will have the additional opportunity to engage in research science early in their degree by undertaking one Advanced Studies course per semester and a significant project in their final semester. In doing so, the students will be individually guided and mentored by one or more of the outstanding scientific researchers within Griffith's schools and research centers.
Good knowledge of biology.
In this course students will gain knowledge related to life science, health science and medicine. Studies in this field encompass all fields of science that involve the scientific study of living organisms such as plants, animals, and human beings. Medicine and biology are the major fields of study the area.
Depending on chosen major, graduates become eligible to join Au biotech Limited, Australian and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology, Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Australian Institute of Physics, Australian Mathematical Society, Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Society for Medical Research, Australian Society for Microbiology, Australian Society of Plant Scientists, Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
Students will be extremely well prepared for a career in chosen specialization, and valuable to employers in almost any realm of business, industry and government as well as the more typical areas of science graduate employment such as AusAID, Departments of Education and Science, Environment, Primary Industries, Natural Resources, Health, Defense, CSIRO, Patents Offices and the Bureau of Meteorology. Areas of possible employment include hospitals and medical research institutes, consultancies, parks and fisheries management, agriculture and horticulture, technical sales, analytical labs, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, the food and beverage industry electricity companies, and oil and mineral exploration. The Honors program also provides students with high level research and problem solving skills and a pathway to PhD studies.
A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on IELTS (Academic) with no sub-score of less than 6.0, a minimum score of 575 on TOEFL or an internet-based (iBT) TOEFL score of 88 (no score less than 21).
4 years full-time