
Griffith university

The Master of Science in Public Health (International) is designed to offer a program that provides students with the knowledge and skills to operate as public health professionals who are able to strategically address and manage current and emerging public health challenges. The content of the program provides health practitioners and researchers with specialized knowledge, skills and competencies in community health, environmental health, workplace health, women's health, epidemiology and health promotion. The Graduate Diploma is available as an exit point only from the Master’s program.
This program will equip graduates with skills and knowledge in the following areas analysis of health determinants including environmental, socio-cultural, individual and health service system factors of health and disease, principles and concepts of ecological public health, epidemiology principles and practice, applied bio-statistics in research, program design and analysis, environmental health principles including monitoring and surveillance, environmental pollution and disease and risk assessment, environmental health system analysis and management, workplace health and safety principles and practices, maternal and child health principles and practices, management and communication, health promotion principles and practice, community needs assessment and action plan, health policy and program planning , development and evaluation, health research methodology, community participation and development, strategic responses to health challenges, workforce development and human resource management, public health quarantine, food safety and risk management.
A minimum overall band score of 6.0 on IELTS (Academic) with no sub-score of less than 5.5 , A minimum score of 550 on TOEFL, computerized TOEFL score of 213 or An internet-based (iBT) TOEFL score of 79 (no score less than 19) . English test results must
1.5 years full-time