
Griffith university

The Bachelor of Design Futures with Honors program (with an optional Bachelor of Design exit point after the successful completion of three years) offers one of the most progressive and exciting undergraduate programs not just in Australia but worldwide. This program has been created to provide far more than the traditional knowledge and skills necessary for graduates to enter the existing design market. This course is conceived to enable graduate designers to rise to the future design challenges that humanity now faces. Besides offering majors in Visual Communication Design, Interior Environments and Product Design, it also offers a major in Design Futures where the practice of design strategy can be learnt. The program provides each student with the opportunity to work individually and within teams, across cultures, on design projects in new areas of design and to become a design leader.
Good designing and creative skills.
In this course the major studies include the investigating and proposing better ways of living in a rapidly changing, complex world. The studies also includes integration of advanced computer and design modelling technologies.
After pursuing this degree from Griffith university students get accreditation by Design Institute of Australia.
The program will prepare students for current employment opportunities within the design industry and industry in general that exist today. However, and more importantly, this program will prepare students for future local and global opportunities that will arise from the need to respond to environmental and economic demands in relation to sustainability issues and challenges in the future. In this course students will also develop their employment opportunities in accord with these profiles by finding their own level and interests within the degree, as well as following particular pathways (especially design disciplinary).
A minimum overall band score of 6.5 on IELTS (Academic) with no sub-score of less than 6.0, a minimum score of 575 on TOEFL or an internet-based (iBT) TOEFL score of 88 (no score less than 21).English test results must be no more than two years old.
4 years full-time