
University of Tasmania

This Graduate Certificate provides a foundation for understanding the principles and practice of public health and epidemiology in Australia and globally.Coursework will enhance the students understanding of the scope of public health practice in the 21st century, including the contribution of factors such as socio-demographic indicators and resourcing to overall health status.Successful completion of the Graduate Certificate will provide the basic skills necessary to undertake research and coursework higher degree study.
General knowledge about Public Health.
To equip students with the fundamental knowledge, skills, capabilities and awareness of the principles and practice of public health in the context of the Australian Healthcare System and from a global perspective.To provide opportunities for students to develop basic skills in public health which will facilitate opportunities to perform roles in the discipline of public health.
Applicants are required to have completed a relevant undergraduate degree.
This course is accredited by the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA).
The graduate certificate in public health will strengthen the careers of health professionals in the discipline of public health and offer other graduates the opportunity to pursue a career in public health within and without Tasmania.
Minimum 1 year, maximum 2 years