
University of Tasmania

The Master of Social Work has an emphasis on rural and regional communities; race and gender issues; equity, power and diversity issues; social and community development; and anti-oppressive and empowerment approaches to social work practice and social policy. As a student in this course, you will develop knowledge and skills for critical, competent and effective professional social work practice both within the local social and community services industry and the broader national and international context. The program has a strong emphasis on practical experience and skills gained through practicum placements.
General knowledge of Social Work and its importance world wide.
Social work is a profession that is committed to the principles of human rights, social justice and non-oppression. Social workers assist adults, children, families and communities to promote sustainable change, and practise in a variety of ways, including engaging in interpersonal practice, groupwork, advocacy, community work and social action to address both personal difficulties and public issues; and undertaking research, social policy development, administration, management, consultancy, education, training, supervision and evaluation to further human wellbeing and social development.
The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) has provisionally accredited the Master of Social Work until the first cohort of students graduate, at which full accreditation will be sought.The social work profession encompasses a wide range of employment prospects and provides an excellent background to work in direct practice, education, community development, research and policy development. There are strong employment opportunities for social workers in Australia and throughout the world. A social work qualification from UTAS will allow you to work in the United Kingdom, many parts of Asia and other overseas countries. UTAS graduates experience high rates of employment in diverse fields of practice in health and human services.
Social workers are employed in both the Government and not-for-profit sectors. Fields of service settings include Hospitals; Schools; Child Protection Agencies; Family Services; Criminal Justice; Volunteer Organisations; Legal Aid Centres; Aged Care; Mental Health; Youth Services; Migrant and Refugee Centres; Sexual Health; Palliative Care; Housing Agencies; Homelessness Services; Crisis Accommodation; Women's Services; Defence Forces; Substance Abuse Agencies; Gambling Support Services; Centrelink Offices; Community Health and Electoral Offices.