
University of Tasmania

Greek Mythology will give you an overview of the huge collection of stories explaining the creation of the world and the lives of the gods, goddesses, heroes and heroines. The scope of the Greek myths is astounding.  Starting with the birth of the world, through bloody wars like Troy and Thebes, heroic acts of Hercules and childish pranks by Hermes, and the touching stories of mother love in Demeter and Persephone.
General knowledge about ancient greeks and their importance as a cultural based study.
The course will consider topics such as: nature of and change in settlement patterns in the Bronze Age, Classical and Roman periods, with reference to security, communications, and agricultural potential; form and significance of major religious sanctuaries; and significance of sites from the Greek Bronze Age, especially as locations of mythological and imagined histories. The choice of areas to be studied will also allow comparison of different forms of political organization in the classical period: regions organized as a single polis (Attike), a collection of individual poleis (Boiotia, Argolid), and poleis organized as ethne (Phokis, areas in the Spercheios valley).
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This course is accredited by the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA).
The graduates are able to achieve jobs as a Translator, interpreter, languages teacher, tourism, media, social and community work, foreign affairs, trade, customs, immigration, aid agencies, research assistant.