
APSI Institute

This course aims to prepare students to manage complex clinical cases, work in health promotion sector or to lead, to supervise and co-ordinate a team of other aged care workers. This course combines both theory and practical. It is designed to provide students with the professional skills and knowledge to carry out duties as effective team leaders and to be future managers of aged facilities.
Good analytical skills.
Major studies include development of skills related to care-giving career. Major studies focuses on developing the skills needed to carry out activities in the maintenance, management and personal care of our senior citizens, as well as providing emotional support and companionship.
This program is nationally recognized under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) at Certificate IV level. As a registered training organization, qualifications issued by APS Institute are nationally recognized.
Students will be able to competently undertake autonomous work and team leadership within aged care residential and center- based services. Student will know how to assess service needs of older people with complex needs, plan and monitor service delivery, undertake relevant administrative work, plan and conduct group activities, implement and monitor WH&S policies and procedures, conduct recreation programs for older people, and organize an effective work environment. Workers at this level may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a limited number of other workers. This qualification may lead to the positions of: Accommodation support worker, Assistant hostel supervisor, Care supervisor, Care team leader, Day activity worker, Hostel supervisor, Personal care worker, Disability Support worker.
$11 000 payable in four equal instalments (International Students)
2 semesters (52 weeks) including semester/holiday break and 20 weeks or 400 hours of workplace train