This program unites like-minded people to explore complex sustainability issues. Student will collaborate on projects tackling problems in areas of water usage, energy, food, liveable cities, waste management, climate management or risk management. Student will extend views of sustainability and sustainable practice by: exploring views of sustainability and how it affects employer and the project, and encouraging yourself into action around change, developing sustainable practice as a process of continual change based on reflective practice, recognizing the Long Now - that this precise moment grows out of the past and is a seed for the future, recognizing that we can create realities by first imagining them, recognising that being here includes more than work and home, that the Big Here could be the wider local community, Australia and the world. Ideas developed from Brian Enos The Big Here and Long Now. Student will develop capabilities to achieve sustainable practice by communicating coherently across disciplines and with the broader community, identifying and defining sustainability problems by researching and developing proposals, leading, managing and participating effectively in change processes, evaluating activities undertaken for efficacy, being aware of self, others and processes used.