
Curtin university

The SSAL Honours degree offered in the School of Social Sciences and Asian Languages is intended for students who wish to deepen their understanding of the following majors of study: Anthropology and Sociology, Asian Studies, Chinese, History, Japanese, International Relations, and Sustainable Development.SSAL Honours offers significant career options – either as a final degree or as the first stage of entry into a Higher Degree by Research (HDR). It is a one-year program that commences after completing the requirements for a Bachelor’s degree, and essentially ‘adds value’ to a pass degree. It is a program that allows students to study in more depth one or more of the topics that have completed for Bachelor’s degree, thereby developing research, analytical and communication skills.
Good general knowledge.
The SSAL Honours degree offered in the School of Social Sciences and Asian Languages is intended for students who wish to deepen their understanding of the following majors of study: Anthropology and Sociology, Asian Studies, Chinese, History, Japanese, International Relations, and Sustainable Development.
Entry to the SSAL Honours program is very competitive, and successful entrants will be chosen on the basis of merit. Entry is decided by the Head of Department on the basis of the recommendation of the Honours Selection Committee, which meets at the end of each semester. Recommendations take account of:the applicant’s academic record - applicants who graduated from other tertiary institutions should provide a certified copy of their academic record,the statement of the intended research project provided by the applicant,the availability within the Department of a supervisor for the project,the recommendations of two academic referees who have previously taught or supervised the applicant.In addition to meeting the entry requirements to this course, Students are required to submit a research proposal (Dissertation Intention Document), and nominate a potential supervisor(s) who has agreed to take on supervision.
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences' primary purpose is to afford the student a liberal education, which by its nature is broad rather than narrow, devoted to intellectual development and discipline rather than to the acquisition of technical skills. It should give the student some knowledge of the achievements of the human mind, with special reference to the western civilization of which both the ancient world and contemporary America are parts, the historical and cultural backgrounds essential to a true understanding of our world and above all, orderly thinking processes and a scale of values by which the distinction can be made between permanent and trivial, substantial and pretentious, good and bad. To that end, some familiarity with historical and political studies, the sciences, and the arts is necessary.
This course can help students to become a:Urban and Regional Planner.Amongst the careers that are open to you are research, analysis and communication positions in a wide range of private and public arenas, from doing environmental or social impact studies for a mining company, a local shire, a union or a remote area Land Council.Careers are also open in journalism, research for private or public entities or for NGOs, politics as a researcher/advisor, working in government (federal, state and local).Traditional destinations for Social Sciences and Asian Languages (SSAL) graduates include Foreign Affairs, Immigration or Defence, but many other departments (Health, Customs, Education) are interested in our Honours graduates because the skills needed by these departments are those possessed by SSAL Honours graduates: clear thinking, conceptualisation and problematisation, advanced research skills, critical analysis, communication both verbally and in written and visual text, the capacity to handle large quantities of evidence/data, to work both as self-starting individuals and as members of groups and teams, technologically literate (research and communication).
1 year full time or 2 year part time